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Who wants to be a Murderer

Who wants to be a Murderer

Who wants to be a Murderer - Embark on a journey filled with twists and turns, where every decision shapes the narrative's direction. With four potential outcomes, your choices carry weight as they dictate the path of the story, ensuring a truly immersive and personalized experience.


Delve into the Depths of Darkness with Who Wants to be a Murderer

Step into the eerie world of Who Wants to be a Murderer, a psychological horror game reminiscent of a 90s-style TV game show. Prepare to test your sanity and morality as you unravel a chilling murder mystery amidst a backdrop of nostalgia and suspense.

Features That Set Who Wants to be a Murderer Apart

Non-linear Storyline with Four Possible Outcomes

Embark on a journey filled with twists and turns, where every decision shapes the narrative's direction. With four potential outcomes, your choices carry weight as they dictate the path of the story, ensuring a truly immersive and personalized experience.

Merciless AI Adjudicator

Navigate through the game's challenges under the watchful eye of an impartial AI adjudicator. Your actions are scrutinized, and the consequences are dire. Brace yourself for an intense gameplay experience where every move is met with judgment and repercussions.

Short Playthrough Duration

Immerse yourself in the gripping narrative without sacrificing precious time. Each session lasts between 10 to 15 minutes, providing quick yet impactful gameplay experiences suitable for both casual and dedicated players alike.

How to Play Who Wants to be a Murderer

Interaction and Dialogue Navigation

Utilize your mouse to interact with the game's elements and navigate through dialogue options. Left-clicking enables interaction, while the ESC key grants access to settings and options, ensuring smooth and intuitive gameplay.

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